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Jetski Injector Testing & Cleaning Service



Jet-ski Injector Testing and Cleaning Service

Ref: RR19110601

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59,95€ tax incl.

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Jet-ski Injector Testing and Cleaning Service

Ref: RR19110601

Package limited to 4 injectors maximum

Before ordering new injectors for your jet-ski, have your originals tested and cleaned, this test is only possible with gasoline injectors and within the limit of 4 identical pieces!

Everyone knows what a clogged, or worse, faulty jet-ski injector can cause to an engine, whether it is prepared or not. This is why we now offer testing and ultrasonic cleaning of your injectors.

Unstable idling, difficult starting hot or cold, jerks, overconsumption, poor performance, difference in color of your spark plugs... this is, among other things, what can result from clogged injectors. A faulty injector can lead to engine failure...

Replacing injectors is often expensive, whereas a proper test and cleaning at a lower cost solves many problems!

We proceed as follows:

- Upon receipt of your injectors, and after placing an order on our promo-jetski site for this service, they are first roughly cleared of the main impurities.

- Then we place your injectors on our test bench in order to measure their flow rate and compare it with the manufacturers' data. 5 Modes are used and tested:

- Idle mode (2500rpm)

- Mid-range mode (5000rpm)

- Full throttle mode (7000rpm)

- Acceleration mode (from 0 to 7500 rpm, see more for models that allow it and lasting 2 minutes)

- Calibration and balancing mode (to resolve aperture imbalance issues)

- After this operation, the injectors are immersed entirely in an ultrasonic tank to clean them completely. Once the more thorough cleaning has been carried out, we only place the nozzle in the ultrasonic tank, and stimulate its operation in order to obtain perfect cleaning.

- Finally, we carry out a reverse test, more often called "REVERSE", which allows us to remove the debris stuck in the sieve and we do a complete test again with the 5 modes to measure any possible malfunctions which may or may not require the replacement of your injectors.

The price is for 2, 3 or 4 injectors maximum and of the same reference.

We guarantee our work for 1 year

On request we can make a video of our intervention in order to see the work and the necessity of the intervention before and after. Our workshop service remains at your disposal at for any other questions.


Reviews for Jetski Injector Testing & Cleaning Service

4 reviews 4/5
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By Eric J. the   
vous pouvez pas régler les 2 temps seedoo
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By Christophe P. the   
Et toujours bien conseillé par le mécano j’ai gagné deux heures sur un plein merci à vous
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By paul f. the   
Je n’ai pas pu essayer mon jet depuis. Peut être qu’il serait mieux d’avoir un petit rapport indiquant l’etaT des injecteurs avant et après. Sinon RAS
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By Christophe P. the   
Et toujours bien conseillé par le mécano j’ai gagné deux heures sur un plein merci à vous
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