SOLAS propeller tip for Yamaha jet-ski (assembly 2) ref. SLA009
SOLAS propeller tip for Seadoo ref. SL007, SL009, SLA011, SLA011A and SLA012
SOLAS propeller tip for Kawasaki jet-ski
SOLAS propeller tip for Honda, Polaris & Tigershark Reference: SLA010, SL012 and SL009 Reference no longer manufactured: SL006
SOLAS propeller tip for Yamaha jet-ski (assembly 1) ref. SL003, SLA008, SLA008A, SLA009A, SLA009, SL007, SL009, SLA014 and SLA016
SBT Propeller Tips as Original Replacement for Seadoo Watercraft
Original propeller tips for Kawasaki ref.76-209-03