LED light kit for trailers from the SUN WAY brand, model G380 / G500J / G600J20 Reference: S35011
6-function light kit for double trailer MM560S-M0950F from CBS Reference: 6104N
CBS Trailer brand light plate with 4.60 m beam with brackets - for J370 model Reference: 6337
CBS brand trailer light plate References: 6005 / 6336C
CBS brand trailer light 6 functions 238x138mm References: 6015G (left) and 6015D (right)
CBS brand 6 function left or right trailer light for trailers from 2014 and up References: 6253 / 6254
CBS Brand 5 Function Left or Right Trailer Light for 2013 and - References: 6022G / 6022D
CBS brand light plate extension for T3 and J490 trailers References: 6017
CBS brand 5m trailer extension with female socket base References: 6000
Fire arm lock for CBS MM560S & M0950F double jet-ski trailer References: 9901
Plexiglas license plate, 520 x 110 format, customizable Reference: RR21093001
Plexiglas license plate, 210 x 130 format, customizable Reference: RR20121001
Universal 4-function rear lights for trailers References: REM170165
CBS brand 5 function fire plate cabochon References: 6218
Female plastic socket for trailer 7-pin base 12V References: 6219 / 11887
13-pin to 7-pin trailer adapter References: 693990
7-pin to 13-pin compact trailer adapter References: REM190370
Spare parts for Sun Way Trailer model Galaxy model G250J14, for small jet ski, example: Seadoo Spark or Kawasaki SX-R 1500 and Yamaha EX, JetBlaster, SuperJet TR-1 Reference: PD-G250J14
7-pin male trailer socket, in aluminum or plastic References: REM 170150 / 99605
Incandescent bulbs for trailer 1 to 2 pin 12V of 5w or 21w References: REM1903XX
CBS brand electric cable tie for trailer sold in packs of 10/20 or 30 References: 9990
Spare parts for Sun Way Trailer Galaxy model G500J20, for jet skis of 500kg maximum, example: Seadoo GTI, Wake ..., Kawasaki STX, 15F ... and Yamaha VX, GP ... Reference: PD-G500J20,
Butterfly screw for CBS brand trailer light plate Reference: 6201
Plastic triangle for light plate References: REM 170160
CBS Brand Male Plug Holder for Trailer References: 6209
Insert for CBS brand fire plate butterfly screw in M10 diameter References: 9557