Propeller remover for SOLAS propeller on Yamaha jet ski (2 tools are sometimes necessary: example for propellers whose reference begins with YA, you will need the WR003 model to hold the propeller and the WR003H model to hold the shaft) ref. WR001, WR003, WR003H, WR004, WR004H, WR007, WR007H, WR014, WR014H, WR014A and WR015
SOLAS propeller tip for Yamaha jet-ski (assembly 1) ref. SL003, SLA008, SLA008A, SLA009A, SLA009, SL007, SL009, SLA014 and SLA016
High speed adjustment screw for BN 44I/46I carburetor ref. 604-25017
Low carb speed adjustment screw. BN 44I/46I ref. BN38/477
Carburetor high speed screw spring. BN 44I/46I ref. BN38/344
High speed carburetor screw seal. BN 44I/46I ref. BN21/156
High speed carburetor screw washer. BN 44I/46I ref. BN38/39
Low speed screw spring carburetor. BN 44I/46I ref. BN38/343
Carburetor low speed screw washer. BN 44I/46I ref. BN38/172